
The FileContext class

The FileContext class contains data about an EJS file being rendered, as well as utility functions for use in EJS files. A FileContext instance is available in every EJS file as the ctx variable.


The file property is an InputFile instance for the EJS file being processed.


For EJS files in the .templates directory that are being applied as templates, this is the InputFile instance for the template and not the file that the template is being applied to.

ctx.getFiles(pattern, options?)

The ctx.getFiles() method searches for files matching a glob pattern and returns a list of InputFile instances for the matched files. Patterns are treated as relative to the EJS file being processed.


If options.sort is provided, the list matched files will be sorted by an attribute from their YAML frontmatter. This can be used to sort files by a title or date field. options.sort is an object that looks like:

  /** Required, the name of the frontmatter attribute to sort by. */
  attribute: 'attributeName',

  /** Optional, can be 'asc' or 'desc' to signify whether files are sorted
      in ascending or descending order. */
  order: 'asc',

  /** Optional, can be 'string' or 'date' to signify how to parse the value of
      the attribute being sorted by. */
  type: 'string',

ctx.paginate(items, config?)

The ctx.paginate() method marks the current file as being paginated and returns a Paginator instance. The list of items will be split into pages of config.itemsPerPage items each, and the EJS file will be rendered once for each page. On each render, the Paginator instance returned by ctx.paginate() will have a different list of values in paginator.items as well as a different paginator.currentPage value.

ctx.paginate() can only be called once per-file. Subsequent calls will return the Paginator created by the first call in the file.

Templates cannot be paginated.


The maximum number of items for each page. Defaults to 5.


The ctx.renderMarkdown() method renders a string of Markdown into a string of HTML. It's useful when combined with the body attribute of an InputFile instance for a Markdown file.

ctx.formatDate(dateString, template)

Parses a date in ISO 8601 format, and then reformats it to match a template with Day.js date formatting.


ctx.absolutify() takes a relative URL string and turns it into an absolute URL, with a full domain. Using this requires that you provide the --base-url option to phantomake containing the base origin that your static site will be hosted at:

phantomake --base-url docs docs_output

URLs are parsed relative to the EJS file that ctx.absolutify() is called in.


The ctx.readJson() method reads a file located at the given path (relative to the current EJS file) and parses it as JSON, returning the parsed result.

Returns a Date object for the time at which the site was most recently generated.


Returns the URL for the current file. If absolute is true, returns an absolute URI using ctx.absolutify, which requires the --base-url option.

ctx.tagUri(uri, date?)

Creates a (tag URI) based on the given URI and date. If a date is not given, the date of generation is used.

Tag URIs are useful when generating Atom feeds that require unique IDs that are valid IRIs.

The InputFile class

Every file in the source directory passed to Phantomake has an instance of the InputFile class that stores metadata about the file used during processing. These instances are available through the ctx.file property or are returned from ctx.getFiles().

Both text and binary files are represented by InputFile, but text files have a few extra attributes available as Phantomake loads and parses them to see if they have any frontmatter at the top.


Absolute path to the file represented by this InputFile instance.


File path to the file represented by this instance, relative to the root source directory given to phantomake.


The return value of calling Node's path.parse() on this file's relativePath.


The URL that the output generated by this InputFile will be located at, relative to the output directory.


For paginated pages, inputFile.url will return a URL to the first page in the series.


A boolean indicating whether this file was detected as a text or binary file. Files are detected based on their file extension.


TEXT FILES ONLY. Contains the raw text of the file represented by this instance before any processing, including YAML frontmatter.


TEXT FILES ONLY. Contains the parsed YAML frontmatter for this file. Defaults to an empty object if no frontmatter is found.

The Paginator class

An instance of the Paginator class is returned from ctx.paginate. It contains a list of the items for the current page being rendered, as well as information on all the available pages to help build a pagination UI. See the pagination example for how to use this instance in a template.


An array of items to be rendered on the current page. paginator.items is a subset of the items passed to ctx.paginate and is different for each rendered page output during pagination.


The page number for the current page. Page numbers are 1-indexed, meaning the first page is 1 rather than 0, so as to be suitable for displaying in a template.


A list of page objects for all the pages that will be generated for the current file. Pages are objects of the form:

  url: '/path/to/output2.html', // URL to the output file for this page
  number: 2, // 1-indexed page number

The output object

Templates within the .templates directory are rendered with an extra output variable that contains data for the base file that is applying the template. EJS files that aren't used as templates do not have an output object available.


A string containing the processed output of the file applying the template, such as the HTML for a Markdown file or the rendered content of an EJS file.


An InputFile instance for the file the template is being applied to. This is very useful for accessing output.file.attributes to read the frontmatter attributes of the file the template is being applied to for things like titles, dates, and other metadata.


File path (relative to the output directory) where the output file will be written. Can be used to determine which file the template is being applied to, e.g. to add a "selected" class to a navigation link corresponding to the current page:

📄 /src/.templates/default.ejs
  class="topbar-nav-link <%- output.path === 'api.html' && 'selected' %>"
  href="<%- ctx.absolutify('../api.html') %>"