What is SNO?

SNO is a Super Nintendo Emulator

SNO is a program that plays games for the Super Nintendo, a videogame console released by Nintendo between 1990 and 1992. With SNO, you can open a file called a “ROM” that contain the data for Super Nintendo game, and play the game on your computer.

Playing a game using SNO is as simple as visiting a web page! You can find more information about playing games with SNO in the How to Play and Configuration sections.

SNO is a Java Applet

SNO was created using the Java programming language. It is a Java applet, meaning that it can be embedded into a web page that visitors can run.

SNO can download game and save data from the web server that it is hosted on; this means that you can embed any SNES game that you have into your own website! See the Embedding SNO section for more information on how to use SNO in your website.